Today 30th January 2019 the conditions are back to ice als road conditions are horrendous
January- 28th– 2019, Week 4
A huge week this past week, last weekend was ace with a fair amount of fish caught, Monday again was every bit as good, but very cold a horrible East wind that blew brought a big freeze, Stewart Milne, Glenrothes had 12 all caught on black/green all returned, but as the ice moved over the water he had to give up due to freezing eyelets, so Tuesday, and Wednesday were lost to ice, but taking the boat out with my recently purchased (1/2 the price if not more than a Japanese motor) Chinese 6 Hp outboard, I soon cleared the ice around the jetties, then some lads arrived so I gave up, the 3 lads all caught fish 15 in total, all returned not bad considering they were fishing among the ice flows, Brian Stewart Dundee was one of the guys and he had 5 all caught on bloodworms and black buzzers, Mr Ferguson, Cupar arrived on Friday and it was cold, basically he was here to pick up his reel that he had left behind, since he was here a few hours fishing catching 4 and lost 3, a pleasant few hours but cold, equally as cold in an East wind was Brian Dewar and Alec Burns both lads having a really good days fishing despite the cold Brian I think with 9 all returned and Alec 6 all returned Darin Taylor and Sean Burger decided to fish from the bank but the boys were beat by the wind and cold it was bitter, The big ugly feathered friend that seems to keeping the cormorants away, hasn’t been back for a few days now, but it certainly made a superb job of clearing or chasing away the seagulls and pigeons plus just about every other bird you can think off, its been a nice spell of warmish weather for January so bug life in the loch I hope is responding.
Our remit since 1986 is that fishing the “Goldenloch” is a day out, a day when a hobby becomes a pleasure, anglers come to relax and enjoy the atmosphere, no interruptions nor unwanted background noise, quality fish in pleasant surroundings, abundant wildlife, Finest hard fighting, top quality fish guaranteed, boat or bank you decide. Phone 01337840355 or 07968006367 ask for John or look up Postcode KY14 6HZ
January- 20th– 2019, Week 3
Its not quite the cold days they said it was going to be, with the water temperature at 4 degrees, it is 2 degrees warmer that the 20th of November, its been like this for nearly three weeks, the fishing has responded well and the fish are being most active near the edges, about 2 to 4 meters out, it would seem that they are feeding on bloodworms, Corixa, boatmen, larva, nymphs, all of which can be seen in the water easily, also a fair bit of activity around the straw bales that were put in against next years algae, most catches are into great numbers, Stephen Smart 5 returned, bloodworm / green nymph, Brian Kemp 10, Brian Stewart 8, A Cuthbert 10, A Morgan 10, George Murphy 12 released, E Gibson 10 released, Shan O’Hara 3 plus 1 returned, George Duff 8 returned all this on top of last weeks fishing which was very similar, so some would think I make up these reports but genuinely its out the book, the reason I say this is because Tuesdays fishing was really poor, Sandy Drummond catching 1 on a black cat, A Ferguson only managing 1 and D Lees blanked, there was a breeze and it was out the East it just made things hard and difficult but one chap having a great day was Stewart Milne, a regular and a man that always enjoys a full days fishing, Stewart returned 10 fish and had one that he says was easily 10lbs, not removed from the water but his barbless hook removed in the net, this fish which I have no reason to doubt what he has said, has obviously been in the water for a few years, had a great fight in it, I am genuinely pleased that he caught this fish for as a regular he deserved it and it shows that there are some good solid older fish in the water, we have been a fishery for a long time its bound to be that there are old fish in there.
Our remit since 1986 is that fishing the “Goldenloch” is a day out, a day when a hobby becomes a pleasure, anglers come to relax and enjoy the atmosphere, no interruptions nor unwanted background noise, quality fish in pleasant surroundings, abundant wildlife, Finest hard fighting, top quality fish guaranteed, boat or bank you decide. Phone 01337840355 or 07968006367 ask for John or look up Postcode KY14 6HZ
January- 13th– 2019, Week 2
Second week in 2019 and the weather this past week has been pretty normal for this time of year, really cold mornings, warming quickly as the sun rises and by mid afternoon as the sun sets, cold air just flies back, in the water just now, what are the fish finding to forage on, it is small shelled Molluscs, things like winkles, limpets and Ramshorn snails which are in abundance, also some conical shells like bladder and pond snails are great feeding, but here a discovery made earlier in the year was that we had at the “Goldenloch” Freshwater Mussels {Short-ended Pea Mussel – Pisidium subtruncatum. Pisidium subtruncatum it is a minute freshwater bivalve. Freshwater habitats, especially in larger, richer areas. All year round. Widespread and fairly frequent in Britain. Fairly frequent in Leicestershire and Rutland.} This is pretty unique and rare find in Scotland, although I am sure many other places may have it as well, but it was first spotted by Allan Hyndman, a regular angler here, Allan is a keen and through person, a botanist to trade, he sees things that others don’t, I mentioned his find as reported in my fishing blog, it was spotted by a lecturer who teaches Aquaculture at an English University, he recently visited to see for himself, it would seem that yes we have some largish Mussel Beds, that they rely on trout to graze, so as to fertilise and make the beds grow, the mussels themselves provide 5 star grub in the form of calcium and protein, finding enough food in the water for fish to survive and thrive on is normally difficult, but with what we have here it would seem that these molluscs along with leeches, hatching larvae and bloodworms is what’s making the winter fishing work well just now, This past week has seen some great fishing, hard fighting fish, Rod Thaw 6, E Gibson 7, George Murphy 12, B Davis 9, Stephen Smart 2, George Duff 6, Dan Peach 5, Brian Stewart 4, A Cuthbert 5, A Drummond 6, Leslie Mitchell 3, others catching on average 3 fish, what is the most interesting fact is that most of the fish being caught is from the bank/jetties Rod Anderson caught and lost a rather large fish that straightened his hook, all because someone was a wee bit aggressive with the net his dad and the vocabulary could be heard in Cupar, however both went on to catch 7 between them on a very windy day.
Our remit since 1986 is that fishing the “Goldenloch” is a day out, a day when a hobby becomes a pleasure, anglers come to relax and enjoy the atmosphere, no interruptions nor unwanted background noise, quality fish in pleasant surroundings, abundant wildlife, Finest hard fighting, top quality fish guaranteed, boat or bank you decide. Phone 01337840355 or 07968006367 ask for John or look up Postcode KY14 6HZ
January- 05th– 2019, Week 1
Hi to all that read my “blog”, hoping you have had a pleasant Christmas and New Year, at last it’s a new fishing season, its now starting to liven up, just before Christmas the days were hard, the fish seemed to be deep and in hiding but some lads however still managed to find them Ian Wallace, Kinglassie, a regular fishing green/black under a indicator had 12 one day while Sandy Drummond, Kingskettle, could only get two, Captain Kemp, Kirkcaldy and Neil Christie, Kirkcaldy, one each but lost 3 or 4 each, wildlife just now is pretty sparse but Neil a keen Ornithologist (twitcher) has a keen eye and has spotted some pretty rare birds, photos will follow, John Robertson and Jim Gourley fished on the last of the hard days, getting a few fish but were disappointed at not getting more, had they come back the next day things were completely different, the ups and downs of the amount of fish that get caught here at the “Goldenloch” is not associated with when we stock the water (unlike many other places) we did a double stock in December, which anywhere else would have resulted in copious amounts of fish being caught, the fishing improved on the 30th December but that coincided with a massive rise in the air temperature, anglers always know that we have a good head of fish and that our fish thrive on the snails, bloodworm, pea mussels plus loads of other creepy crawly things, but be assured the stocking this year will be in tune with the weather, at this time of year anglers should be advised that the handling of fish should be of the absolute minimum, this is the time when the fishes slime, when removed can result in the fish being covered in a white fungus, so in the net just pop out the fly and release no need for a picture. Brian and Neil back this week had a much better day, Brian Stewart Dundee had 10, Hamish Kinnaird with his Grandad had 5 and G/Dad got 2 both over 4 lbs so was really happy, wind and frost are forecast the two don’t really go well together so we will wait and see.
Our remit since 1986 is that fishing the “Goldenloch” is a day out, a day when a hobby becomes a pleasure, anglers come to relax and enjoy the atmosphere, no interruptions nor unwanted background noise, quality fish in pleasant surroundings, abundant wildlife, Finest hard fighting, top quality fish guaranteed, boat or bank you decide. Phone 01337840355 or 07968006367 ask for John or look up Postcode KY14 6HZ