“Goldenloch Fishing” My Fishy Blog 2022
email: john@john-nicol.co.uk
Phone; 01337840355, or 07968006367
Water Temp 17.00 Degrees – Secchi is 10 ft
“The Goldenloch” 30/05/2022,
Fishery Blog, June 06, Monday, Week 23.
I am sure that we will pay later for having such fantastic crystal clear water this year, just leaning over the side of the boat looking into the water all sorts of things can be seen, fish are cruising about looking for and finding a myriad of food stuff, water beetles by the billions, tadpoles, small perch fry, Greater water Boatman, pond Skaters, Caddis Fly Larvae Dragonfly Nymphs, Bi Valves (pee Muscles) snails, worms to name a few, the water is teaming, on pulling in the weed massive amounts of insects can be found, we have cleared a big area and hope that this will by the end of today also include the jetty side of the loch which isn’t that bad, the blanket weed is nothing like as bad as it was last year, however it has dawned on me that ever since I stopped using Barley straw bales which was the beginning of the Blanketweed problem, needless to say straw bales are going back in, CDC flies are the winners just now and anglers are having a great time catching fish, Jock Souter is in the USA just now but had a good day just before he left, and I told him that one day his cap would return, needs a wash but it is here for you, Malcolm Brown had a great day with 5 returned all on CDC yellow Owls, Harry Frankland 6 returned loads more lost, George Duff 8 returned Buzzers, Geoff Gadd 6 returned yellow popper bibio, John Cowie 4 returned but loads lost, Mike Stone getting good catches of the bank, Dave Wilson was stalking fish and had a great day with 8 returned on a suspender buzzer, Father and son, S Dryden 8 returned G Dryden Age 11 returning 2 using a yellow Owl, P Linton and J Wilson enjoyed a perfect weather evening session, returning 4, but they lost a few, Alec Cuthbert has been having great days sport lately and is thoroughly enjoying his fishing just now, a few beginners of late and all doing well, Ian Adams coaching a big up for him, wildlife photographer this week is again John McRobbie, Abernethy, nice to see other thigs in his collection, one or two pictures by me they are the not so good ones, I am sure that soon the weed situation will be past but there is ample space to fish just come and relax enjoy catching a few troots Nae Pressure,
The “Goldenloch Fishery” offers Boat or Bank fishing, or both, superb location in Northeast Fife, Quiet, Relaxing, no background noise, beginners welcome, abundant wildlife. Best quality fish, Phone, or email for information or to book, 01337840355 or 07968006367 or email john@john-nicol.co.uk john@goldenloch.co.uk