Goldenloch April-30th–Week 18- 2017 No Snow, no rain, no much sun, just volumes and volumes of wind, North East and East, well all that does is really hamper the fishing, I am fed up making excuses to the lads that are not being able to catch fish, so OK, I see and understand that
Author Archives: John
Goldenloch April-24th–Week 17- 2017 Getting cold again, forecast this week is for snow, east wind gusting hard just now, Sunday, this is putting the fish proper down deep, anglers catching the odd fish that’s feeding but nothing like what there should be, good thing is, almost everybody is getting fish, some nice size fish
Goldenloch April-21st–Week 16- 2017 Tomorrow Saturday the 22nd we are holding our Second “Goldenloch Casting Clinic” this is just a reminder to those lads that showed an interest and to give you a rough idea of the format the day will take, Starts 10am Brian will give a demonstration to all assembled on
Goldenloch April-16th –Week 16- 2017 Where do I start with this weeks report, *Ospreys or Fishing*, best stick with the fishing, this has been quite a hard week, the air temperature plummeted, boy did that put the fish down, its not like there were none being caught, on the contrary, its Easter week (warmer
Goldenloch April-10th –Week 15- 2017 A much improved week, but still a long way to go, four really cold mornings and a few cold nights can really spoil the fishing, but when its right, its good, Graham MacDougal twice got it right, both times not only did he get plenty fish but the