Goldenloch Nice to see a breeze, just been a wee bit to much rain though, water level this year has never really varied much. The loch, it’s just been full all of the time, we have if I was being honest kind of been hoping for an Indian summer, that is a long
Author Archives: John
Goldenloch Report /Blog starts last Sunday / Monday, when we had a cold wind East / North / East / West, changing, the fish were just put down, they really do not like change are much happier in calm settled conditions, but fish were being caught, regularly, not just on the known spots but
Goldenloch Sept 17-Week-39-2017 Never seen a week like this for a long time, so many fish getting caught, amazing catches, mostly on dries, wets and buzzers, water is now more normal, nearly clear, mostly due to two days of an East wind, a day of a North West wind, and today a North wind,
Goldenloch Hopefully now, we should have reached the end of the algae problem, the algae this year has been a strange one, for a start, it has only ever affected a small area, unfortunately it is the boat area, this where new visiting anglers first arrive at, however it has positively helped the
Goldenloch Sept-Week-37-2017 It certainly has been a weird year and its not over yet, not by a long way, fishing generally is and should be a natural thing, I have been running a fishery for 21 years, but been involved for 30+ years, so there is not much I haven’t seen or had to