Goldenloch OKdokay, so it did snow, the loch believe it or not was ice free till Friday, and I was glad to see it freeze over, as the cormorants have been relentless, every day I have to be there at daybreak just to stop them landing on the water, one bird can easily
Author Archives: John
Goldenloch Feb 26th-Week-08-2018 I am sure it will snow this week, this so called beast from the East is not a nice thought, but it just lets us here in the cosy UK, see how vulnerable we are to the vagaries of the weather, we need cold hard weather, it does a lot
Goldenloch Feb 19th-Week-07-2018 Monday, last night it rained all night, just a constant steady rain, so when I went down to the boats, YEP, they were full, its been a cold wet week this last week , a lot of wind, frost, flat calms, just the perfect wrong kind of weather for fly fishing,
Goldenloch Feb 12th-Week-06-2018 So today is February 12th and did anyone else notice this morning that daylight came really early, that apart from the bitter cold, there seemed to be a change in the sky, it was a really clear blue with very thin clouds, the wildlife seems to have noticed it, we have
Goldenloch Been noticing and reading in social media platforms that there seems to be a huge shift towards some anglers now promoting their local fishery and its getting to be dangerous comments, please realise that these guys are playing with peoples livelihoods, I do my own reports and have done for a long