Goldenloch May 12th-Week-18-2018 Its been a really blustery week, day time fishing has been made difficult by the persistent wind, I would try and say a West wind, but it was a wind from all angles, however the fishing is excellent, some really good catches have been achieved, best has definitely been the evening
Author Archives: John
Goldenloch May 06th-Week-18-2018 What a real Goofy few days for fishing this past week has been, Sandy Page and Paul Watt having an amazing day on Thursday, which was the second day for Sandy as he had been the day before, on Wednesday and had a ball, some other guys were also having a
Goldenloch April 30th-Week-17-2018 Its good to see guys catching fish and enjoying catching them, the fish are basically in every corner of the loch, but there are areas that are better than others, there is also flies that are working much better than others, since the water warmed up in the past few days,
Goldenloch April 23rd-Week-16-2018 What a awesome past few days, where do I start, Ok, the fish here at the Goldenloch are not fresh stockies, which means anglers have too, firstly match what they are going to fish with, so as to emulate what the fish are taking, secondly the fish are not going to
Goldenloch April 16th -Week-15-2018 Warmer but still rotten weather these last couple of days spoils the fishing a tad, basically the fishing has improved dramatically in the last week, Monday till Friday was excellent and well formed fully finned hard fighting fish were being caught all over the loch, with a few with bloodworms