“Goldenloch Fishery” Report / Blog 2023
Contact Details: john@john-nicol.co.uk 01337840355 / 07968006367.
Loch Conditions: Secchi Disk Clarity is 8ft, Temperature: at 3ft is now 15.30 degrees.
Outside Air is 8.2 degrees, NNW
17/09/2023 Sunday
Okay so I had a bit of a panic last week, basically a lot of fish have shoaled up and are all in one place, under what I call the mulberry tree, they have done is before and it’s not unusual, however this time on looking at them it would seem that the dorsal fin and their backs have a white / Yellow colour to the skin / scales and being honest it doesn’t look that good, however by examining the fish at close quarters it would seem that the scales have changed from a silvery shade to a bright golden shade which is by what I have been told, there way that they have as a defence mechanism against bright sunlight, its is not that common but I am reliably informed it does happen in extreme situations. Anyways seven trout are on their way to a lab to be examined all caught courtesy of some really good anglers, the other fish in the loch seem to be 100% super duper and are starting to form mini shoals and are looking for grub as was seen last night, so how is this going to affect the fishing, well it would seem it shouldn’t, but the fishing is hard just now, why I have no idea, fish just aren’t rising to feed, however they are in great condition, with full bellies as can be seen on the ones I have cleaned this week, lots of snails and shrimps plus black stuff, presumably buzzers worms etc no fish was empty, some guys were asking why the fish are jumping out the water so much, it used to be that they were cleaning themselves from argulus lice, which is not the case now, but however these fish I think are just cleaning there gills of mud after mucking about on the loch floor, other anglers fishing elsewhere are saying its just the same at other places but that’s not what bothers me, its why are the fish being like this, some guys here say it’s not a problem here Rod thaw for example is just getting fish everywhere, five years ago we had something similar when all the stickle backs ate all the hatching flies, we still have stickle backs but they are the reason we put in the Perch, as Perch like stickle backs, it never ends does it but importantly guys are still having a good days fishing.
Fly Fishing is a Pastime, it is not only relaxing, but also rewarding, come to the “Goldenloch” enjoy your Hobby to the max, no stress, only tranquil surroundings abundant wildlife, great fish, Brown, Blues and Rainbows, you will not be disappointed. Phone 01337840355 or 07968006367 ask for John or look up Postcode KY14 6HZ