“Goldenloch Fishery” Report / Blog 2023
Contact Details: john@john-nicol.co.uk 01337840355 / 07968006367
Loch Conditions: Secchi Disk Clarity is 8 feet, Temperature: at 3ft is 14.5 degrees.
Outside Air: is 15.00 Degrees, Wind is West
21/05/2023 Thursday
With the Water Clarity at the Goldenloch probably the best it’s ever been, I have got to say that I am now alarmed at that, if anyone has ever kept a fish tank in their house they will know and understand what I mean { it’s an Algae thing}, weed is however growing at full pelt just now, ( this is however good as it will absorb excess Phosphates and potash being washed from the fields) mostly at the far end of the loch, but it needs to be much taller, before it can be pulled, as trying to do it just now, basically it just bends over and the weed springs up again, although the fishing is pretty much perfect, I am sure that part of the reason the water is so clear is that I put 8 large round bales in the water last September, the magic that happens with this function is that straw, gives of some weird potion as it decomposes in water, with the water the way it is, the bottom hatching flies are amazing, so small and tempting for the fish, who are completely switched on to them, so much so, that by mid morning the fish being the way they are, anglers are not just hauling them out on any old flies, they have got to find the fly and the method that works, proper Fly Fishing is what it is just now, we stocked about a week ago which was good not a huge amount but enough to make up for lost fish, i.e. Ospreys, seagulls, mishandling and angler kills, so people are enjoying the fishing which is great, plus photographers have been getting great picture and lots of them, Malcolm Brown fishing with Peter MacDiarmid had 1 each plus lost a few on muddlers, Colin Hay on and evening had 9 plus 4 perch lime cold head fritz, W Pride Gateside 4 on a Diawl Bach, Alec Cuthbert 8 Cormorant Diawl Bach, Roy Kelly 3 black Buzzer, Sandy Band 4 Buzzer Diawl Bach, Callum Ford 1 on a dry fly and 2 on Diawl Bach, John Cowie fishing with a pal had 8 on Shipman’s buzzers, last week George Duff had 8 on buzzers, but the ones definitely having the most fun are Debbie and Derek every time they are fishing they compete and the loser makes the tea, on Thursday Derek was on 4.
The “Goldenloch Fishery” offers Boat or Bank fishing, or both, superb location in Northeast Fife, Quiet, Relaxing, no background noise, beginners welcome, abundant wildlife. Best quality fish, Phone, or email for information or to book, 01337840355 or 07968006367 or email john@john-nicol.co.uk