“Goldenloch Fishery” Report / Blog 2023
Contact Details: john@john-nicol.co.uk 01337840355 / 07968006367
Loch Conditions: Secchi Disk Clarity is 5 feet, Temperature: at 3ft is 9 degrees.
Outside Air: is 11.2 Degrees, Wind is from the South, with chill 9 degrees.
09/04/2023 Sunday
Easter weekend is normally an amazing time of the year, for fishing and sporting anglers, this is when the fish usually spring into life, but this year has seen so much horrible weather, the days start of by looking like it’s going to be great, however there have been many cold east wind breezes, plus many small rain showers, today, Sunday, started it off looking great, it was reasonably mild at 8:00 am, but then a small breeze turned into a wind putting the fish down, unfortunately this has been the trend for the last few days, the fish are not performing as they should, and are unfortunately all settled at the far end of the loch, depending on where you are positioned you can however get some excellent catches, on that note very I much need to know exactly who and how many fish are being killed for the pot, I am trying to keep the fishing prices at a level that is both as fair to the fisherman, yet allowing me to continue to buy top quality trout which are the ones that will be producing a great days sport, £20 for a days fishing in a boat or bank, this year is a good deal, why spoil it for others, if fishing to kill it should also be the first fish caught not waiting till it is a mature overwintered heavy fish, but the catches this week have been a lot better, it is also great to see the birds back, by that I mean the Ospreys and Marsh Harriers, the three Marsh Harriers we think are the chicks from last year returning as young juveniles, the osprey is pretty useless at catching fish so I can only assume it is also a youngster, todays fishing Sunday was spoiled by a big wind that started about 2 pm, however I have just been down for the book and some lads have done very well, Darin Taylor catching 13 all returned, Lloyd John 16 on a Diawl Bach, Spiders, shipman Buzzers, Geoff Gadd 12 on a Black Cormorant, Ali Radhi 7 on Buzzers and Dry flies, A Morgan back on form 12, Alec Cuthbert 7 plus a perch Donald Robertson 2on Buzzers and Colin Dow 2, Leslie Mitchell here with Francis McEwan here to christen her Christmas rod Leslie catching 5 sadly Francis had 1 on but lost it, never mind it was a hard day on Tuesday. M William 7 to the net all returned, as did Chris Thomson, in all the results are better than I thought however the most important thing is everyone had a good time. Because of the situation with the fish lying at the far end don’t be surprised if I ask you to move thus allowing someone that hasn’t caught anything a chance to catch some fish, its only fair that this area is shared out
The “Goldenloch Fishery” offers Boat or Bank fishing, or both, superb location in Northeast Fife, Quiet, Relaxing, no background noise, beginners welcome, abundant wildlife. Best quality fish, Phone, or email for information or to book, 01337840355 or 07968006367 or email john@john-nicol.co.uk john@goldenloch.co.uk