“Goldenloch Fishing” My Fishy Blog 2022
email: john@john-nicol.co.uk
Phone; 01337840355, or 07968006367
Water Temp 09 Degrees – Secchi is 5 ft
“The Goldenloch”
Fishery Blog, Monday, 06/11/2022.
Its November, Hello really cold days, having been used to the recent warm weather, cold days feel really bad, but this last week has been a pretty crazy week, only 5 days ago we had severe gale force winds and torrential sheet rain, two Gents, well, Leslie Mitchell and Stuart Penman , they wrote in the catches book that they were “AUF THERE HIEDS”, attempted to fish in what was atrocious conditions, spending a lot of time rowing, the adventurous pair decided that the fish were really low in the water, not wanting to be caught, but the conditions did prove that the clothes that they had on were of the highest quality, keeping them dry, if they had “Fisherman’s friends” they could have made a TV advert. However since then we have had some milder winds, a couple of days of flat calm, also a couple of days of torrential rain, catches are steady with some lads doing really well, best catches this week are shared between Brian Gilloway 23 returned, Jamie Fulton ( First time here) also on 23 returned, Scott Fraser 15 returned, Sandy Band seems to have reinstated his mojo for fishing, returned 7, John Bowman, Dundee had 5 including a large Tiger, on the same day Mr Rogers and son had a Tiger approx 5lbs, Rod Thaw on Saturday had 14 all returned, on the same day some worthies from bygone days, who call themselves the Happy Hookers, Sandy Kopyto had 9 , John Callison 6, Others had 1 and 2s but everyone enjoyed there visit Alister Smith leaving early after catching 1, what they all commented was that they had all dropped a few trout and many could feel fish tugging at their lines, weather wise it was a nice day unlike today which is very wet, drizzly and cold, a sudden air pressure drop saw Brian Dewar and Alec Burns giving up after a couple of hours in very unpleasant conditions, others still fishing on braving the weather, then with definitely a change in conditions, it warmed and the lads left George Duff returning 9, as did Mr Kelly 9 and lost loads, + a father and son 4 each, I have noted that the weed which should be dying back is still growing albeit a lot slower, more compact than during the summer, this was noticed last year, truly a symptom of global warming
The “Goldenloch Fishery” offers Boat or Bank fishing, or both, superb location in Northeast Fife, Quiet, Relaxing, no background noise, beginners welcome, abundant wildlife. Best quality fish, Phone, or email for information or to book, 01337840355 or 07968006367 or email john@john-nicol.co.uk john@goldenloch.co.uk