“Goldenloch Fishing” My Fishy Blog 2022
email: john@john-nicol.co.uk
Phone; 01337840355, or 07968006367
Water Temp 09.00 Degrees – Secchi is 6 ft
“The Goldenloch” 18/04/2022,
Fishery Blog, April, Week 16.
Settled weather at last, the fishing is now pure magic, for a week now we have seen the average daily temperature rising, people are getting amazing catches with the far end of the loch being the sweet spot, from ½ way back the loch the fish are much more responsive, its good to have happy anglers it is a great tonic for mental wellbeing, a happy angler is a very happy person, the far end of the loch is warmer, was the comment from Bob in his float tube, so I went out and yes it is 1.5 degrees warmer, the fish seem to be gathering there , the start maybe of flies hatching could be seen, but catches are still on cormorants, Diawl Bachs, Olive Damsels etc M Stone fishing from the bank for a couple of hours had 3 using Buzzers, on Wednesday Colin Hay out for the first time this year returned 2 , Kate Snatcher/flashback hares ear, M Farrell / W Aitchison, 3 returned using CDCs, B Mitchell in his F Tube 13 returned, Nikki Wood 7 Returned using a fab + buzzers, D Wilson a couple of hours returned 6, he returned the next day and fishing with rod Thaw had a bumper day, one of those days that only happen now and again, they were into rising fish and could do nothing wrong, both lads commenting that they had there best days fishing ever, Sandy Band on the bank had 3, A Cuthbert also on the bank 7, Geoff Gadd out Sat and Sun had 6 returned each time, John Bashford had 5, there are 3 Ospreys this year and they are making a proper pigs ear of catching the fish, unable to lift the trout out the water they kill them in the water, waiting then till the wind carries the fish to shore, they roost in the trees while they wait, the Marsh Harrier is also back, but there are very few swallows and swifts, or sand martins, we did however one day last week have a sea eagle visit, which by all accounts is massive, so most of todays pictures were by a local photographer Kenneth O’Keefe visiting one day
The “Goldenloch Fishery” offers Boat or Bank fishing, or both, superb location in Northeast Fife, Quiet, Relaxing, no background noise, beginners welcome, abundant wildlife. Best quality fish, Phone, or email for information or to book, 01337840355 or 07968006367 or email john@john-nicol.co.uk john@goldenloch.co.uk