“Goldenloch Fishing” Blog 2022
email: john@john-nicol.co.uk
Phone; 01337840355, or 07968006367
Water Temp 01-50 Degrees – Secchi is 5 ft +
“The Goldenloch” 16/01/2022, Fishery Blog, Week 03.
Basing this assumption on my past farming background, as we are now more than ½ way through January, the weather continues to be abnormally warm, with the forward 7 day forecast showing a strong warm front, I would say that the chances of a period of hard frost in the near future would seem very unlikely, it may be likely that we will get a sudden and large dump of snow, if a cold front meets a warm front, or worse torrential rain, but in the most part it would seem to me that this could be a great start to 2022, so the last seven days, has been a really good week weather wise, the fishing has responded very well, especially in the late afternoons, as it takes a while for the water to warm up, not having stocked now for quite a while, any fish being caught just now are absolutely well acclimatised and feeding on the plentiful natural food, which is pretty much borne out by the condition and fighting ability of fish that have been caught, both Saturday and Sunday past saw good catches, Rod Thaw 15 all returned using Cormorants, Brian Hunter Kemp 3, commenting a great fight, Scott Fraser 5 returned Black/Green Cormorant, George Murphy 5, S Anderson 7, George Duff 6 with comment lost more, Allan Hyndman 9 Black/Green, Bill Bruce 5, Sandy Band from the bank 2, Jock Souter getting 2 at late o clock had 3, Geoff Gadd 4, and the Bentley boys having another great day, I am taking a gamble with the weather and bringing forward my stocking plans for this coming season starting with a stocking this week, Jim, Donald and George plus some of my more senior anglers I have to cater for there needs, making sure we have plenty fish that want to be caught, its all because people really want to get out and go Fishing, there is not a more satisfying way to enjoy a day than going fishing, so to all our friends both old and new we are really looking forward to a great season in 2022. So far this season, most, nearly all clients visiting the “Goldenloch” have had a complementary Box of 100 Fishing Flies gifted, in appreciation of all their support in times gone past, and by all accounts this has been a huge success with anglers using some of these flies that they would not normally have used and have caught fish on something new, so lets get Fishing in 2022 it’s a great day out, good for the soul, the heart and lungs, I know I have plenty to do as the weed has started growing already, The “Goldenloch Fishery” offers Boat or Bank fishing or both, superb location in North East Fife, Quiet, Relaxing, no background noise, beginners welcome, abundant wildlife. Best quality fish, Phone, or email for information or to book, 0337840355 or 07968006367 4107j oh0n@john-nicol.co.uk or john@goldenloch.co.uk