“Goldenloch Fishing” Blog 2022email: john@john-nicol.co.ukPhone; 01337840355, or 07968006367Water Temp 01.00 Degrees – Secchi is 4 ft + “The Goldenloch” 09/01/2022, Fishery Blog, Week 02.Water temperature is now down to I degree, that’s so near freezing, very little frost and a flat calm will see the loch covered in Ice, the clarity is a bit murky, possibly due to the previous winds, there has been some rain but not much, when it is as cold as this, the fish tend to be deep down, and lethargic, if there is an inlet, steam, river entering the water body the water temperature would be expected to be about 4 of 5 degrees, at our inlet at the far end in the reeds it is 4, but its not a high flow, been some fish caught this week on buzzers though, Rod Thaw catching 4 on Buzzers, Brian Galloway having a good success catching 7, Jim Souter 4 a Stewart Cameron with 1, on Wednesday Tod Thaw was using cormorants and had 15, it’s a good day out just now with light winds most days between 9 am and 3 pm, winter anglers in January are really just looking for a wee bit solitude and some fresh air ( Pretty much guaranteed ) I personally get real peeved just driving to IKEA, so lads that have to drive all the time for a living, sitting in a silent boat doing you own thing must seem like bliss, Somebody recently asked why we don’t do winter competitions or a league challenge, so most competitions are run to promote something (Fishing Tackle ) or generate funds for a charity, or even just to help prop up the fishery during the winter months, we have done this in the past and felt that the success never was justified, winners were frequently the same people, the Charities that benefited really didn’t appreciate the effort, that went into a competition held over a period of time, Tackle suppliers were the best winners in giving away equipment, but again usually the same people won, it would seem therefore that the best competition would be for (1) anglers that have never won anything before (2) every one fishing was using the same flies, (3) A rotation in place so everyone had the same amount of time in the same place as everyone else (4) I am sure there must be something else , but the most important thing is not so much in winning but it is participation in a competition where the probability in success is high, it is a great feel good factor and for the winner or winners a prize, the latest reel or rod produced by ACME co Ltd, if enough lads wish this summer we could try something with a rod etc as the price, however it will be a no pressure competition. Please every one remember the feed the wildlife this winter, perhaps no one has noticed, but the berries are about all gone. The “Goldenloch Fishery” offers Boat or Bank fishing or both, superb location in North East Fife, Quiet, Relaxing, no background noise, beginners welcome, abundant wildlife. Best quality fish, Phone, or email for information or to book, 0337840355 or 07968006367 john@john-nicol.co.uk or john@goldenloch.co.uk
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