“Goldenloch Fishing” Blog 2022
email: john@john-nicol.co.uk
Phone; 01337840355, or 07968006367
Water Temp 01.50 Degrees – Secchi is 6 ft +
“The Goldenloch” 03/01/2022, Fishery Blog, Week 01.
Hi all, So I am back, I was going to hang up my writing pen, but I genuinely have had an overwhelming amount of people giving me gracious support, compliments, plus all asking for me to continue my blog, so here I am, however I will restrict it to the “Goldenloch Web Page” plus only Fb, starting with the recent weather the last few days have been very cold and blustery, the 1st of Jan, was very heavy rain in between very bad squalls, a few hardy anglers out, and it’s been challenging for them to say the least, if it had been newly stocked or really deep with a gravel bottom, I dare say the fishing would have been a lot different and large numbers of fish caught, but its not like that here, we have a good quantity of fish in the water, which is perfect for the available food, which means traditional flies are the best choice for sport, yes we have guys coming with egg flies under a bung and wotsits and yes they do exceptionally well, but we have traditional anglers as well, for example John Bashford, Kinross daring to venture out on old years day, John is a warm weather angler normally, but Kabin fever was getting to him, an early start as usual, saw him with one in the bag plus a few on and lost, a very enjoyable few hours for him, he absolutely loves his fishing and being honest it’s a pleasure to see him again, Geoff Gad was here later in that day and had two, he also lost a few, Cormorants are the main problem just now, they are hard to shoot, as they are never stay still in the water, with windy days they just dive and chase the fish, without weed in the water the fish seem to be able to out run them, however they terrorise the trout and I am sure that’s why the fish are close to the shorelines, a few fish have been caught with scratch and score marks on them, the numbers of cormorants is low, thank goodness but if it gets up to 3 or 4 then I will have to put up screaming tape as well, this week sees the first load of 2022 trout being put in, mid-week, again supplied by Invicta as Oliver’s trout are second to none at the moment, with nearly every one that catches fish here complimenting there catch, all fish are 1 kilo or more so expect a good fight.
The “Goldenloch Fishery” offers Boat or Bank fishing or both, superb location in North East Fife, Quiet, Relaxing, no background noise, beginners welcome, abundant wildlife. Best quality fish, Phone, or email for information or to book, 0337840355 or 07968006367 john@john-nicol.co.uk or john@goldenloch.co.uk