“Goldenloch” Fishing Report 2021
email: john@john-nicol.co.uk
Phone; 01337840355, or 07968006367
Water Temp 02.00 Degrees – Secchi is 4 ft +
“The Goldenloch” 28-12-2021, Fishery Blog, Week 52.
At last an improvement in the fishing at “The Goldenloch” this week, slightly warmer winds, that have changed direction, back to where it should be, its good we have arrived at the end of 2021 as its been yet another strange year, ( I did love the warm summer however), I am giving up the ownership of the loch and surrounding lands that Anne and I own, however we will still be operating the fishery, on my son and his wives behalf, they have planning permission to build a house, basically near where they currently living at the Lochside, also with 4 youngsters, they are pretty busy anyway, but I am hoping that they will be willing to share more in the workloads, a question is, do I keep writing my blog ??, or rather do many people actually read it ??, I have often wondered why other fisheries do not do something similar, I try to write interesting stuff, not just catch reports, that’s just an easy cop out, some other fisheries pay to get there reports done for them, but again its just a catch report, Today is Tuesday 28th and the fishing saw Leslie Mitchel, Dunfermline, Iain (woof) Wallace, Kinglassie, with John ( Pele ) Reid, catch at least 30 fish between them, one or two marked by cormorants, which could be the reason that the fish have been hard to catch, as they are in hiding from being terrorised due to the water being crystal clear, also arriving today was the Bentley Boys, Alec Cuthbert and Andrew Morgan, they preferred to do some proper fishing at the far top of the loch, catching on Buzzers and Invicta’s with Diawl Bachs, there was another, but I didn’t see him as he was on the bank, it definitely comes alive after 3 pm as the sun goes down behind the hill, As this may be my last blog depending on demand, I have written a piece about the Loch, I do hope you enjoy reading it, as it will demonstrate to you, just how much pleasure can be derived from owning and operating a small Stillwater such as ours,
The “Goldenloch Fishery”, is a trout fly fishing fishery, Fly Fishing is for all to enjoy, we nestle in a small picturesque valley in the beautiful rolling countryside of North East Fife, we first allowed paying guests in 1986, which generates for us 36 years’ experience, in caring looking after anglers of all ages, we ourselves and the fishery have evolved over this time into something special, the most important being the loch itself, we really care about the water, its environment, its wildlife, Ospreys have been coming here every year regularly since 1987, and now Marsh Harriers new in 2021, we stopped using weedkillers and manmade substances, ( fertilisers ) long before they were banned ( near watercourses ) by regulations, it is now a perfect unique place that our angling clients can come and relax, in proper tranquil surroundings, no traffic noise, its boat or bank with refurbished wide jetties, round the loch access, again with seating, cut grass allows easy access, the ability to switch between boats and bank is common. Our stocking fish are the best trout that we can buy, our stocking is regular with rainbow, blues, brown trout, tigger trout, stocking buy-in weights, minimum being a kilo (2.2Lbs), however there are many larger fish in the water, due mostly to the vast amount of natural feeding that is available all year round, the results are expediential growth and stunning fitness, 2010 onwards brought with it a massive change to our aquacultural management, we stocked 3 loads of Diploid Brown Trout in 2015 / 16 /17, this is no longer allowed in Scotland, we are sure that this along with the Perch we introduced in 2018, is what are producing the fry that is giving anglers so much fun to catch, fun fry bashing Trout, we have recently acquired a very powerful winch to assist in weed removal in selected areas, areas known for high volumes of insect life and small flies will be left alone, allowing the best and known weeds / fauna to grow and flourish, this pulling and physical removal has been done for a number of years now, we know that there is a huge source of insect and fly life, in the loch, Midge Larvae, Caddis larvae, stonefly larvae, damselfly nymphs, alderfly, alas no Mayfly Nymphs, we are very positive with our approach to encouraging a sustainable food source, on the loch floor, Molluscs are important to trout, they consume huge volumes of pond snails, and Bivalves (pee Mussels) with trout regularly being caught with their stomachs full, our approach here is that once an area is identified we leave it alone to increase its potential, the lily beds which have been a feature here since we first opened, although pretty useless for fly life, they provide a physical barrier between boats and bank anglers, new sustainable aquacultural margins, with fly encouraging plants are being planted every year, with that there should be more insects, pond skaters, water boatmen. Boat access here is excellent, with our large boats being double tied, for a safe mount or disembarking, all at their own individual piers, stern in at the hard standing, a steady pole is there for those that need it, patrons can get their cars (all weather ) to the boats, allowing them, to dismount their gear, motors plus extra, returning the cars to the car park a short distance away, with permission and ground conditions being suitable cars, can access the Lochside’s allowing clients with walking problems, access to the fishing jetties, a new lodge is planned sometime soon with a kitchen seating area and changing / shower room, but at the moment we have mains water, toilets, and electricity, lifejackets are provided, we would ask that everyone please use one, special jackets available for children with googles for eye protection, tuition can be provided and all situations catered for whether it be the newly retired or youngsters wanting to learn to fish, we have the equipment needed and a coach or person to instruct can be easily found, we have never charged for youngster’s and are not about to
Fly fishing is a hobby it is one of life’s most rewarding experiences; we try to provide you the perfect place, it’s all about the environment, you only must bring yourself, a little bit of patience, our remit in 1985 was “Its for Pleasure” and it still is, whether you are a beginner or a hardened angler coming here to visit should be a happy time.
KY14 6HZ, Relax, unwind, laugh, think, and retry, unruffled, patience, practice, gentle, precise, accurate, tidy, have you got what it takes to be an angler, try it, you’ll not be disappointed.