“Goldenloch” Fishing Report 2021
email: john@john-nicol.co.uk
Phone; 01337840355, or 07968006367
Water Temp 14.00 Degrees – Secchi is 8 ft +
“The Goldenloch”
03-October-2021, Fishery Blog, Week 40.
Television weather forecasters should all get a special prize, in these times with all the technology at their command, they can still get the weather completely wrong, Today Sunday was supposed to be gale force with heavy rain, well there was no rain and I would say it was bright and breezy, anyways George Duff Leven commented that, “I have never seen so many feeding fish and all on the surface, I was using hoppers all day and caught lots of fish” for some reason this was a day of active fish feeding in the margins as well, this has been a good week with nice weather, a tad wet on Friday night but apart from that, the way the wind was blowing we have been well sheltered, fly hatches were obvious with clouds of small black flies being seen hovering over the parked cars, with the weather colder there are no damsel flies or dragonflies just now, but the water is full of Beetle larvae, midge pupa cranefly larva and the usual selections of pond snails, bivalves, pee Muscle, however the biggest population of fish feed is shrimp, light blue freshwater, now all this is probably why Diawl Bachs have been doing so well, catches are good and its traditional flies Jock Souter had 3, Jim Anderson 6 all released using Montana’s, peter Jones 3 on Klink hammers, John Bowman Montana’s, A Morgan 12 released, A Cuthbert 4 released, B Galloway 4 returned PTN, some lads that have been tying there own flies now for a season or more are enjoying the pleasure of getting fish on their special flies, Brian Kemp is one that now spends a lot of time inventing his new creations, last week saw him catching with his flash backs which I must say looked pretty good, however a quick trip a couple of days latter to try out something else resulted in nothing, that what fishing does if the fish arnt interested then they wont take it but generally they do.
Fly Fishing is a Pastime, it is not only relaxing, but also rewarding, both mentally and physically, come to the “Goldenloch” enjoy your Hobby to the max, no stress, only tranquil surroundings abundant wildlife, great fish, Brown, Blues and Rainbows, you will not be disappointed. Phone 01337840355 or 07968006367 ask for John or look up Postcode KY14 6HZ