“Goldenloch” Fishing Report 2021
email: john@john-nicol.co.uk
Phone; 01337840355, or 07968006367
Water Temp 15.00 Degrees – Secchi is 8 ft +
“The Goldenloch”
26-September-2021, Fishery Blog, Week 39.
Been a great few days fishing, in fact its been an awesome couple of weeks, lots of fish caught and released, a massive amount of fish follows, rising fish, in fact the conditions were great even although the forecasters were predicting doom and gloom, conditions were fishing perfect, for example yesterday Saturday saw some amazing tallies, Rod Thaw again surpassed himself but Grant McGregor using Diawl Bachs and Silver Butchers had an even better day, H Frankland managed 2 Scott Fraser camping with his mate Steven Fraser had 8 each all returned. George Duff here for a couple of hours had 4 returned using Shipman’s Buzzers, In a really strong wind today D Dutcha killed 3 for 3 kilos, but this last week has been outstanding Derek Robertson 11, Geoff Gadd 6, A Cuthbert 12, all returned, but really its not and never was about how many fish caught, but more about enjoying the day, I can honestly say every single client visiting these last few weeks have had a ball, my entomologist friend and advisor for the last 30+ years about the pond life and insects is poorly just now, due to be here this week it was a no show and on phoning I was told he had caught some bug, I am often asked why we don’t do charity fishing competitions, the reason is – yes for the fishery they are a big income earners, the fact that only a small percentage of the cash raised is what the Charity will receive, however we do gift a percentage of the fishery income to good causes and have done this for several years, we also allow many of our regulars paying customers a free days fishing every now and again, we have done this for a few years now, we don’t charge for younger anglers and are still heavily involved in bringing on beginner’s, this year we have gifted out a massive amount of fishing gear, Stuff that has been donated Rods reels, lines flies and complete fly tying setups so our recycling credentials are in top gear but still plenty time to do more. The photograph today was taken by Jennifer Dumbreck as she sat patiently waiting for hubby and son to catch fish, Reuben was using his new birthday gift a rod, the swans have been learning to fly and have given the anglers a few laughs.
Fly Fishing is a Pastime, it is not only relaxing, but also rewarding, both mentally and physically, come to the “Goldenloch” enjoy your Hobby to the max, no stress, only tranquil surroundings abundant wildlife, great fish, Brown, Blues and Rainbows, you will not be disappointed. Phone 01337840355 or 07968006367 ask for John or look up Postcode KY14 6HZ