“Goldenloch” Fishing Report 2021
email: john@john-nicol.co.uk
Phone; 01337840355, or 07968006367
Water Temp 16.00 Degrees – Secchi is 8 ft
“The Goldenloch”
15-August-2021, Fishery Blog, Week 33.
Cooler days some really good rain, a blast of wind, result:- produced some great sport this week, like it should be, lots of fish feeding, and feeding hard, amazing hatches, sedges etc, however their timing is not conclusive with anglers, the daybreak just now is just before 5 am the major rise of the day is about 5.30 am, John Bashford, Kinross regularly sees it, comments likewise, as he gets some fantastic fishing, it petters out at about 8 am however, the fish are still active, cruising on the surface all day, there are some sweet spots for various reasons, comments from anglers this week have been great, Colin Hay (Evening Session) 6 returned Diawl Bachs / Clan Chief, Neil Craigie 4 kept, Ross Cameron 2 fish Green Nomad, Brian Kemp using his new tied Flash Back Hares Ear, 3 returned, Donald Robertson 2 returned using a kingfisher, Jim Anderson (Evening) 9 returned green Buzzer, Montana, gold head dancer, J Bowman 4 returned small green Montana, S Gun hoppers and Buzzers 6 returned, Les Mitchell 3 returned, plus many more lads getting something, however the most important thing is everyone is catching fish and getting loads of offers, a few newbies this past week or two, we don’t charge for beginners ( never have ) you are most welcome to come and try, please note children under 16 are not covered by our insurers, and cannot go on boats, for youngster’s to learn to fish nowadays, they must wear googles and wear a child life jacket, if it’s a parent or relative teaching, that’s OK, however for anyone else the parent or guardian must be in attendance, Risk assessments and insurance are big issues nowadays, are not to be ignored, I got in serious trouble a couple of years ago for removing a fly from a child’s face, and it was the grandad that put it there, after the hook was removed easily from the lip, it swelled, the worried grandad took the boy to hospital, that afternoon I got a visit from the police, informing me I was in risk of being charged with bodily harm, luckily nothing happened but a stern phone call from the hospital was received, the advice given was that I could remove hooks from anywhere on a body, except the neck upwards, { pretty much that’s the rule, also sterile gloves must be worn } in the face must go to the doctor or A and E, talking about hooks, most anglers are now on barbless or debarbed, if not then please crush the barb, Just now it’s all about the flies and working well is yellow Owls , CDC Shuttlecock, plus traditional Pheasant Tailed Nymphs, Diawl Bachs, George Duff, Methil fished all day today, commenting ( I fished my own dry flies all day and had my best days fishing ever) now George has done a lot of fishing over the years “Great Sport” , Muddlers also being used basically for those that have already caught a few by using muddlers you get the fish steaming after the fly as it tries to catch same a lot of fun, the loch / water is in great condition just now and the fish are super fit and are fly sensitive
Fly Fishing is a Pastime, it is not only relaxing, but also rewarding, both mentally and physically, come to the “Goldenloch” enjoy your Hobby to the max, no stress, only tranquil surroundings abundant wildlife, great fish, Brown, Blues and Rainbows, you will not be disappointed. Phone 01337840355 or 07968006367 ask for John or look up Postcode KY14 6HZ