“Goldenloch” Fishing Statement 2021
email: john@john-nicol.co.uk
Phone; 01337840355, or 07968006367
“The Goldenloch”
January-05-01-2021, Fishery Blog, Week 01.
With the recent announcement regarding this latest lockdown, for clarity we have at “The Goldenloch”, taken the decision to close, the guidelines that have been introduced seem to be a complete Miss/Match, off what is and what isn’t allowed, the problem is that no more than two may meet, as we are all aware, going fishing involves touching equipment / gates / toilets /nets / jetties / etc, so why risk lives, this illness is cruel, and has no discretion, you or I could be next, anglers when told they cant go fishing seem to be suddenly hell bent on going out to fish, Fisheries see the opportunity to increase there clientele as just now its all about the numbers, however I am sure those going out to fish at X Fishery are immune, and don’t care about rules, to us the most important statement is STAY AT HOME, funnily enough all four UK Countries and Government’s do agree that is what they want people to do, so as boring as it is please stay at home.