“Goldenloch” Fishing Report 2020
email: john@john-nicol.co.uk
Phone; 01337840355, or 07968006367
Secchi-2.0 metres + Temperature 14.50 degrees Oxygen – High
“The Goldenloch”
How’s everyone’s fishing just now, a massive improvement I trust, things here have cheered up no end, its not stockies getting caught but proper hard fighting naturalised fish, and fight they can and will, the quality is superb, big tails clean and tidy, best catching technique for some is dry fly, Brian Kemp, Kirkcaldy arrived mid-day yesterday, took a boat and went out onto a loch which was moving with feeding fish, he just slowly drifted about casting onto rising fish getting seven rainbows and one brown trout, perfect fishing, yet earlier in the day, early morning, there was a chilly east wind and it was much harder to catch then, the day before, Rod Thaw and Dave Wilson had a very productive time in the deeper part of the loch, fishing lures they were catching fish regularly, both very happy and enjoyed there fishing, some people in fact a lot of anglers are finding they are getting lots of offers and tugs just now, connecting with them is proving to be hard, an elderly and wise man showed me his trick, a piece of wool tiny tied just above his leader, when he saw it move or disappear he would strike immediately and most times catch a fish, how successful well he returned 15, boat is best just now and its great that the water is gin clear as fish can be seen in most places, the fish are feeding nearly all the time now its just up to the angler to catch them, its boat or bank here, you choose and feel free to mix if you wish, bank fishing most of the summer has been the most successful, our pricing is £15 for ½ day purely catch and release, barbless and £20 if you want a two kill ticket, that is a 8 hour ticket, anglers are reminded to try and keep the boats clean and put back the way you find them, most importantly you are on your own basically due to the Covid–19 situation and no one will bother you, Fly Fishing is for fun and enjoyment just have a nice day catching a few fish.
A bit of a Bonus for someone, I am looking for a recommendation or a suggestion for a person that could make good use out of a complete lifetimes collection of fly tying equipment, threads, vices just everything, gentle man has given up due to poor eyesight and doesn’t want it going to waste, its been handed in as lots of other stuff that I am making into presentable gifts for beginners, please PM me names or indeed get in touch with me, I havnt even looked at it there is so much.
Fly Fishing is one of life’s oldest leisure activities, A Pastime, it is not only relaxing, it is rewarding for the mind and soul, come to the “Goldenloch” enjoy your Hobby to the max, no stress, only peaceful surroundings abundant wildlife, great fish, Brown, Blues and Rainbows, you will not be disappointed. Phone 01337840355 or 07968006367 ask for John or look up the Postcode KY14 6HZ