Goldenloch Fishing Report 2020
email: Phone; 01337840355, or 07968006367
Secchi-3 feet + Temperature 9.00 degrees Oxygen – high
“The Goldenloch”
April-12th-2020-Week-14-Lockdown Week-3
So time seems to be passing so slowly just now, I’ve been doing a few things down at the loch, I was fixing a fence and using my JCB digger to level off some land, I had to change a bucket and whilst doing that it fell and landed on my foot, So for me at the moment not only that I have Corona virus lockdown, I have to stay in the house with a crushed big toe, OK so I’m a nugget, I will admit that, it was an accident and to remind myself how stupid I am, it is really sore, I can do nothing I cant walk, all I can do is sit with my foot up high, Last week looked great, all the high winds seem to have gone, the loch is looking fantastic I stocked the day that lock down started, So there are plenty of fish in the loch, we have four Ospreys now visiting almost daily, 2 adults and 2 young, probably last year’s chicks, they’re not really doing much damage at the moment, perhaps 2 fish every trip, but the trips are only in the early morning and late afternoon, we have not had problems with cormorants this year, thank goodness, any that visited I have managed to keep them away by shooting to scare, the water strangely enough has become a little cloudy, I think it’s because of the blanket weed that is on the floor of the loch, the wind is breaking it up, however it seems to be growing exponentially this year, a massive amount of frogs in the water all mating, also I have noticed quite a few newts, but the thing that is very noticeable is that there is a massive amount of available food for the fish, shrimp, beetles, bloodworm never seen so much blood worm, I am already trapping the sticklebacks and have disposed of quite a few, its good fun on warm days without wind other that that everything is good, no sign of any weed thank goodness, a wee bit of sad news, one of my regulars Peter who visited every Thursday, has passed away Peter who hasn’t been well for a while, getting cancer treatments, was a great angler and always caught a fish or 2, I would like to think that anyone that has ailments or a really bad illness would get the benefits of being here, in the fresh air, trying to catch a wee troot, that’s what’s on offer a bit of tranquillity and peace, some call it “me” time, we are always open for anyone there is no pressure, for those that bought season tickets speak to me when you are next here and we will sort something out, it would seem nothing escapes this pandemic I was a great shock this morning to see one of my boyhood heroes “Tim Brooke-Taylor has died at the age of 79 with coronavirus, his agent has confirmed to the BBC” what is happening I must be getting so old.
Fly Fishing is a Pastime, it is not only relaxing, but also rewarding, come to the “Goldenloch” enjoy your Hobby to the max, no stress, only tranquil surroundings abundant wildlife, great fish, Brown, Blues and Rainbows, you will not be disappointed. Phone 01337840355 or 07968006367 ask for John or look up Postcode KY14 6HZ