Goldenloch Fishing Report 2019 | ||| | Phone; 01337840355,07968006367 | ||
Secchi- 3 feet | Temperature 15.01 degrees | Oxygen – High | |
Septemer-02nd – 2019, Week 33
Fishing, in particular > FLY FISHING < what is it all about, so to a lot of people it has many meanings and many purposes’, however its in each individuals anglers DNA, there are reasons that they go fishing, some like deep water sea angling, the lure of a massive fish fighting on the end of a very strong line, whilst the angler is tied to the boat via a harness on the chair, some like river fishing, wee troots hiding in the pools, shaky waters over stones, some enjoy just standing on rocks or harbours fishing for mackerel, an old Scottish delicacy, but proper Fly Fishing on a nice still water is akin for some to therapy, it is a healing process for the mind and soul, to a few it is competitive, must catch the most or must catch the biggest, not really some of the attributes of proper fly fishing, but also an adaption is clubs, they were formed out of the need in the early days to assist those without a motor car, groups would band together with a mutual aim to go and enjoy the sport, not with the aim of catching hunners of fish, but more about guys helping each other, sharing experiences, but these clubs changed they started dictating where and when and how much, they became the victim of their own success, places like ours turned there back on them, but the real and true meaning of fly fishing has to be for those that enjoy, either sitting on a boat with or without a fishing partner, enjoying a wee breeze or ripple over the water, seeing fish that have been tempted to be caught, it may be that in that moment, attention turns to a loved ones, some that may be unwell or that financial pressures are getting so strong that life feels very hard, going fishing is a pleasure that is only here to help, Fly Fishing in itself is really hard some days, but so is life, when it is hard time flies past and all the pains and tortures are forgotten, the melodies and moods sometimes drum up answers and put in place better words to answer awkward questions, Fly Fishing has changed dramatically this year, it has become even harder and it could be natures way of saying enough, in my own world, my best friend has become seriously ill, very quickly and there is very little that can be done, waiting to see if the body can fight of all that’s bad, taking time to reflect fishing is a relaxing tranquil way of life, what I am trying to say is that there is more to catching loads of fish, being able to enjoy going fishing, well that’s a whole new story
Fly Fishing is a Pastime, it is not only relaxing, but also rewarding, come to the “Goldenloch” enjoy your Hobby to the max, no stress, only tranquil surroundings abundant wildlife, great fish, Brown, Blues and Rainbows, you will not be disappointed. Phone 01337840355 or 07968006367 ask for John or look up Postcode KY14 6HZ