Goldenloch Fishing Report 2019 | ||| | Phone; 01337840355,07968006367 | ||
Secchi- 2 feet | Temperature 8 Degrees | Oxygen – High | |
April-14th– 2019, Week 14
This week has seen a lot of people discussing the virtues of farmed trout versus natural wild trout, especially brown trout, for clarification it is now illegal for farm trout, unless they are triploid, to have access to rivers streams and inland waters unless grids are in place on the outlets, experts deem that there is no difference whether a fish is diploid or triploid, if it is for angling, people will say that there is a difference. But often they couldn’t tell the one from the other, so what is the difference between triploids and diploids, basically the eggs after fertilizing are heated up and the young trout become sterile they are neither male nor female, this process was discovered many years ago and can apply to many different species of fish but mostly those that are reared for sport and table requirements
In 2015 when the rules changed and because we had diploid trout in the loch, we spent a lot of time and effort and cash converting outflow from the Goldenloch, this to be suitable and meet the new regulations regarding closed waters, grids were installed, as well as a sophisticated overflow and slipway, this to also increase the level of the loch by a considerable amount, we have diploid brown trout in the loch and we know they are breeding as last year a massive amount of Alevins, witch are small fish still attached to the egg appeared, several anglers had some of the best fishing ever as the trout fed ferociously on these small fishes, the following statement is taken from an imminent fisheries scientist.
Wild brown trout face a number of threats, both natural and man-made, including pollution, extreme weather events, such as droughts, and predators, such as kingfishers, herons and mink.
One of the ways in which trout populations are able to respond to these threats is through their genes by evolving to adapt to a range of local environments over thousands of years.
By spawning at different times of the year, or in different places to maximise the survival of their offspring, wild trout can live and thrive in a variety of habitats.
We now know that this natural genetic diversity can be reduced by the introduction of farm-bred trout.
Farm-bred trout are produced with techniques that work differently from the natural selection that occurs in the wild. As a result farm-bred trout have, over a number of generations, lost some of their genetic diversity.
When farm-bred trout are introduced into rivers alongside wild populations and the two interbreed, the resulting offspring have less genetic diversity than their wild parents. This loss of genetic diversity can mean that the progeny are less well equipped to survive in the present habitat, or cope with future changes to their environment.
Growing up in a safe environment has also led to farm trout becoming more domesticated. Lacking the instinct needed to keep safe from predators, they tend not to survive very well outside of the fish farm.
Rule changes
After an extensive review of research and advice from leading geneticists, the Environment Agency concluded that the continuation of stocking with farm-bred brown trout posed a threat to the native trout populations. We have decided that stocking with fertile, farm-bred brown trout should be discontinued.
From 1 January 2015 it will not be permitted to stock rivers with fertile farmed brown trout – also known as ‘diploids’. The only brown trout that can be stocked into rivers will be sterile female ‘triploid’ trout or brown trout from breeding programmes that use locally sourced brood-stock.
A few questions about triploid trout, such as ‘do triploids behave differently to wild brown trout?’ and ‘will they grow too big and predate on native stock?’ We commissioned research into various aspects of triploid trout behavior and concluded that these trout actually performed the same and will provide anglers with equally as much sport.
Certainly in my own experience as an angler, many of the trout I have caught in the past few years have been triploids and the excitement and thrill of catching a trout is just as intense as it ever was.
Our remit since 1986 is that fishing the “Goldenloch” is a day out, a day when a hobby becomes a pleasure, anglers come to relax and enjoy the atmosphere, no interruptions nor unwanted background noise, quality fish in pleasant surroundings, abundant wildlife, Finest hard fighting, top quality fish guaranteed, boat or bank you decide. Phone 01337840355 or 07968006367 ask for John or look up Postcode KY14 6HZ