May 12th-Week-18-2018
Its been a really blustery week, day time fishing has been made difficult by the persistent wind, I would try and say a West wind, but it was a wind from all angles, however the fishing is excellent, some really good catches have been achieved, best has definitely been the evening fishing, however some amazing catches have been made especially from the bank, so its not been a wasted week, its been a steady constant one, this weekend especially Sunday is extremely busy, and all boats are out during the day, however the bank remains free, so best to phone and book a boat so as not to be disappointed, Saturday today is still pretty free, but I am expecting a few, some really nice fish getting caught just now, there is a huge amount of buzzers and bugs emerging at nearly all times of the day, On that point my plans for introducing bug inducing plants is well under way with my bug area looking well, if anyone has shrubs or trees they are pulling out do bring them here they will get recycled or up cycled if you want, The Osprey has at last I think found somewhere else to capture fish, we are only getting perhaps one or two visits per day now, I am pretty certain that Lindores Loch has eventually got round to stocking so its their turn to feed it, if they have stocked blue trout that’s even better as the Osprey seem to love them mostly as I think they can be seen from the air better, The young lad from Valleyfield has had his first days fishing here with a buddy, basically to teach him casting and all about fishing flies, not lures or artificial bait and he loved every minute, he has a new confidence not that he needed it but a lover of all things fishing he himself sees that there is so much more to learn also very kindly Matt Donaldson has offered some flies to help him start a decent collection, in the last 20 odd years we here at the Goldenloch must have given to needy anglers, young lads that are just starting out thousands of Flies and I mean thousands, its your generosity that is overwhelming, and I know that there are dozens of lads out there that genuinely appreciated that.
Fly Fishing is a Pastime, it is not only relaxing, but also rewarding, come to the “Goldenloch” enjoy your Hobby to the max, no stress, only tranquil surroundings abundant wildlife, great fish, Brown, Blues and Rainbows, you will not be disappointed. Phone 01337840355 or 07968006367 ask for John or look up Postcode