Genuinely thought we were on top of the weeds, but this last week has seen a massive growth spurt by weed in all areas of the loch, its not everywhere but in blotchy patches, think that’s the best way to describe it, hopefully we will, if the weather stops raining, pull weed out of these patches, the weed that’s growing is long and spindly, mostly due in fact to the fact that we have deepened the loch quite considerably, we have worked closely with the supplier of these ropes over the past couple of years and think that we have now perfected what we believe will be the best wire rope for cutting weeds, a brand new prototype rope arrived last week, at 250m in length it is a beast. hopefully we will have some amazing results, over the years we have tried many different methods, from special boat cutters, our own side cutter, big thick ropes, barbed wire, razor cutters, dozers for boats, you name it we have tried it, however if this one works it will be awesome, so how does all these weeds affect the fishing, it doesn’t, well yesterday with the weeds at there worst ever, 17 anglers over the day caught on average about 8 fish each mostly on dry flies, don’t get me wrong there are large areas of no weeds, every body commented on the strength of the fish, the clarity of the water and the fact that all day they were getting dozens of nibbles and offers, Saturday was similar with 11 day anglers killing 22 fish, 2 each, but returning over 100, so its not all bad, what I will say however, is that we have stepped up our bio security, recently in the light that there is an Argulas lice infestation quite close to us, so all nets, MOTORS, must be dipped in a disinfectant solution, these tanks are at the side of the loch and in the car park, Viralex is an approved product, bought from our fish supplier, it is very effective in killing the eggs or larvae that attach to the nets or motors, Please use these dips tanks, that we provide, Argulas is a very virulent bug and it lays millions of microscopic eggs, which attach themselves to the fish very quickly developing into lice, these then attack the fishes immune system and basically the fish rots from the inside out, it should be noted that the fish suppliers sterilise all equipment every time a load of fish are delivered, they take the threat very seriously, so should we. Huff and puff had a great days fishing this past week Kaptain Kemp had 8, Eddie 6, the two older regulars 10 and 8, this last week has been a stormer lets hope it continues.