July-02nd –Week 27- 2017
This last week hasn’t really been a hard week, its been more of a complicated week, fish do not like the East wind, and we had it for three days in the last seven, quite strong as well, strong enough to stir up all the silt and muddy the water, not that is disturbed the fishing, as some lads seemed to do exceptionally well, regulars Don Stewart Glasgow and his brother in law John Grey, Leslie I believe had about 15 each, the weeds are a wee tad annoying, but the areas that are left, where the anglers now head too, its much better to have weeds than Algae, so what weeds we have will just do nicely, an old Fishery one that’s been on the go a long time “The Raith Lake” Kirkcaldy has just announced that it is going to be under new management, it’s a difficult business this to be in, I understand fully why and how the old team have had enough, anglers are not the most loyal of sportsmen and tend to go where they can catch loads of big fish easily, the days of actually just sitting back enjoying the day, is getting much rarer, hard fishing or rather fish that are hard to catch, are not popular, its like it is here just now, a few rude anglers cause massive grief, just because there is some weed, the fact that in them not coming back with their buddies just goes to prove that there is always somewhere that is a lot easier for them to catch there bucketfuls of fish, yet why do people like myself do this, well for a start its great fun and for every disappointment, there are hundreds of positive plus times, Big fish fishing is fun but once its caught that’s it, its over, however catching on fly specific fish on a night when there is a proper rise can be the ultimate excilerance, I enjoy watching guys enjoy themselves and I enjoy even more allowing young anglers the opportunities’ to start fishing, I am sure that the new operators at the Raith Lake will be like this as well, we wish them well, they will I am sure rebuild a Loyal following and help many into the sport, good luck with what you are doing, for the outgoing team, just enjoy your rest guys and gals, you I am sure deserve it, remember you still have a mink trap that belongs to me, take care.
Want to relax, Fish in pleasant tranquil surroundings, quality fish, try the fishing @ the “Goldenloch” contact- or visit or our fb goldenlochfishing