Goldenloch Fishing Report 2017 | | | Phone; 01337840355 , 07968006367 |
February-05th–Week 06- 2017
Been a few fishing this last week, and most have done well, biggest compliant being the cold, its fishing pretty good though for the time of year, I can only apologise to these clients for the mess in the car park, field, unfortunately the redevelopment of the parking facilities’ and redevelopment of the lodge area has become pretty much a boggy, muddy area, this due to us installing a new sewage tank on what was the wettest day of the year, the plan is that there will be hard standing right down to the loch, and parking available, so as people can get their batteries and gear right next to the boats by car, preferably they, then would then re-park in the car park, so as to free up and allow those that are less able to park at the waters edge, I do mean less able as we do not carry disabled status, I have looked into this and am not prepared to get into the argument of providing complete access for disabled anglers, all are welcome here at any time, and where suitable there is ample opportunity to fish, and access to large areas, so long as the ground is dry, which I would imagine is the same as most fisheries, we have two large flat bottomed stable boats, that are good for the more elderly and unstable, also the increased water level of the loch makes for easier access to and from boats. As I have already said we do not have disabled status, so our pricing applies to all clients, disabled permits are for Council run fisheries such as Lochore meadows and as we are a “private water” we cannot afford such luxuries, The quality of the fish just now is superb, our stocking regime is working well, “we stock to top up” a standard pick-up full of fish is approx 130 fish @ 1 kilo / fish, in the Goldenloch at any given time we have between 800 and 1000 fish that’s approx 75 fish / acre average, every January we have a count from our records, then stock to have at least 700 by early March, and so on, we work on this system as we know from the many years of doing this, that we have in the water an ample food resource that can sustain this amount of fish, in doing it this way we can reliably say that fish caught here at the Goldenloch are naturalised and are pretty much free from all the proteins etc that are fed at the fish farms / stockies, Fishing to eat fish is an important factor in going fishing, for example 3 years ago we stocked 500 1 lb brown trout and 2 years ago we put in another 1000 1 lb brownies, these fish are now being caught as 3lb+ as these trout are triploids, we allow them to be killed at any time of the year, they are not subject to any breeding policy, at the Goldenloch we do take our bio security seriously, we feel it is important that no fish can enter or escape from our water and interfere with the genetics of wild fish, these are regulations in Scotland for fisheries to adhere to and are often overlooked, so our brownies apart from not being able to breed are very much as close to being the same flavour as wild brown trout caught in hill lochs as they have had two years of feeding and growing on natural insects and crustations. Enough.
Need to enjoy a good days fishing then visit us @ the Goldenloch, fly fishing a field sport, or visit or our fb goldenlochfishing