November-14th –Week 46-2016
Sunday the 27th of November, “Goldenloch Casting Clinic”, this is a day for anyone, good or otherwise, please feel free to come and enrol, or pre enrol, take part, even just attend and watch, basically born out of an idea by Local lad “Brian McGlashan”, Brian is one of the countries leading Fly Fishing Instructors, he is going to be available to help you, develop new skills to improve your ability to catch fish, but much more important, it will give you more confidence and the ability to enjoy your fishing, whether it be on a Stillwater, Loch, river or the ocean, “Fishing Is For Fun”, it is and always has been our remit, at the Goldenloch, that anybody going fishing should be able to catch fish, and that means being able to cast in all giving situations, Brian who teaches locally and worldwide has improved countless numbers of people to cast and indeed re-taught many in both single and double handed casting techniques’, he is also a leading light in instructor instruction, and this makes him a pretty unique and awesome person to be able to get instruction from, as most are all well aware the world of fly design, technology, material innovation, is massive, the ability to have in your arsenal or fly munitions box, something that is going to be tasty on the day enabling you the user to catch fish, however as we are all very much aware it is the ability to present that fly, that is often the obstacle, we see this daily, and sometimes when there are people that can really cast well, it is more pleasurable to be able to watch them fish, than it is to actually fish, so it is with much pleasure that we are getting Brian here, in preparation we have had the loch well stocked, with good top quality, solid fish well in advance of the 27th, that these fish are well settled, adapted to natural feeding, but they are not fish that can be easily caught, anglers have to know what to do, this day is not going to be expensive, it depends on numbers, it is not a competition, it is for YOU, it is to help ordinary guys that want to be better, surely that’s got to be a good thing, please let us know in advance if possible so as to help us plan.
Want to enjoy a good days fishing then visit us @ the Goldenloch, fly fishing a field sport, or visit or our fb goldenlochfishing