October-22nd –Week 43-2016
Its been a cold few days, but its been a lot more settled, by that I mean no more extreme variations, fish do not like change, they respond well to a settled environment, some cracking fish are being caught just now, and they are putting up a really good fight, especially some of the brownies which can be from 4 lbs downwards to 2 lbs, a point of note a couple of times this week anglers have spotted that a fish may be missing a pectoral fin or even two, this is the fin behind the head on the lower part of the body, or rather just behind the gills, I am suspecting that some of the new ultra thin lines may be the culprit, our supplier would never supply fish that have not got these fins, so its not a genetic problem, but more a catching problem, I am sure other fishery operators would like to know if it is obvious on any of their fish, so please keep an eye open, also this is the time of year that the fish are prone to the white cotton type fungus, I cant remember its name, but basically any fish that’s badly infected should be killed and binned, so please if any are caught get rid of them, we haven’t seen any this year but cold weather and heavy fresh water tend to bring it on, the better the water quality which we have had this year has actually been really good for the fish, really early mornings show some amazing hatches and fish movements, I do have a wee problem with a mink or maybe even two, I am not offering a payment but if anyone can be bothered sitting waiting on it to show then a box of 12 bore cartridges’ is the reward, Our water level has just about reached a new level some 14 inches more than it was in early August and I may halt it here for a while, now after some stupid crazy calculations that’s a good few extra few million gallons of water and if a black plastic bucket hold approx 3 gallons that’s a fair few bucketfuls, the new boats have been a major success this year with another 3 to replace the smaller boats for next season we wont have any more in number only replacing three of the smaller ones, apart from that its been a good week Remember its £15 for a half day or £20 for all day, Boat or Bank or Mix and Match, 2 kill or 3 kill or Catch and Release, all nets and motors to be dipped before used in water.
Want to Enjoy a good days fishing then visit us @ the Goldenloch, fly fishing a field sport, or visit or our fb goldenlochfishing