Goldenloch september-05th –week 36-2016
September-05th –Week 36-2016
Monday morning and its a much fresher clear air today, over the weekend especially yesterday, its been very close and humid weather, Friday saw some excellent sport and a steady amount of fish being caught mostly using yellow owls, suspender buzzer type flies, it would seem that there is a distinct change from dry, sedge types to more traditional wets and lures, this probably coincides with the fact that the temperature has dropped a couple of degrees, Saturday saw a good start and fish being caught immediately, the water is crystal clear and the weed problem has virtually been eliminated, the boys have done a great job and their efforts are greatly appreciated none more so than some of the bank anglers who now are getting unhindered fishing, Yesterday, Sunday was exceptionally hot and very humid, it started really well with Rab Grierson and John Henan both doing well, 11 and 8, in all areas of the loch as did Jimmy Anderson, 11 fish all returned, who was visiting from Ayrshire, he is very unhappy with some of his local fisheries who are now using Blue Dye as a weed control, this method is a new way of controlling weeds in fisheries, by introducing a very powerful colouring agent, the idea is that by blocking the sunlight from reaching the lower areas of a loch the weeds then die as a result of being choked, this is fine the only problem being unlike algae which remains on the surface the dye stops fish being able to see, anyways yesterdays fishing in the afternoon was really hard during the heat of the day with anglers seeing lots of fish, yet unable to attract their attention, why does this happen, I have no idea other than its something to do with the air bladder, but a heavy shower of rain at five and all was put right with those fishing at night all doing well.
Enjoy a good days fishing then visit us @ the Goldenloch, fly fishing a field sport, or visit or our fb goldenlochfishing