Goldenloch july 10th –week 28-2016
July 10th –Week 28-2016
So this weekend has seen a wet few days, we have had a lot of rain, however loads of fish are getting caught and I mean a lot, some guys have just had the time of there lives, plus I would say that generally the quality of the fishermen this year is superb, so far very few and indeed I don’t think anyone has made me cross in the last few months, watching anglers doing Catch and release is a pleasure when you see guys just letting there lines go slack and the fish just falling off, yes a lot of fish have to be unhooked but just now the guys fishing, take there time and wait till the fish swims away, I applaud these guys, its impressive to watch, the rain has been relentless these past few days, There is also some real time proper good stuff happening, Father and Son, Ronnie and Lewis Forsyth, Kirkcaldy sometimes twice a week regulars, have had what can best be described as an amazing season, but the best part is that it is Lewis who is catching all the fish, with his own style and persistence Lewis works hard, he gets the rewards, but last night not only did they get drenched a few times in the heavy showers, he again caught his fish “Well Done Lewis”, Thursday saw a group of eight beginners to the sport and with some tuition ably provided they all went on to catch fish, not bad for complete novices, we were supposed to have a Youth group today but the adverse weather has spoilt that, Friday did see it pretty tricky in the afternoon, however a massive thunderstorm bombed in about 7pm and after the event, the fishing just exploded, I wish I had my camera cause there were fish rising everywhere, however there is always some that complain, last week saw two lads very cross at the weeds, when asked why they didn’t move to an area that was weed free, the answer was where they were fishing in the weeds as that’s where they were catching fish, so how many had they caught “a few” was the answer, I do hope they find somewhere else to fish as there is nothing worse than complaining anglers that have caught loads of fish.
Enjoy a good days fishing then visit us @ the Goldenloch, fly fishing a field sport, or visit or our fb goldenlochfishing