Goldenloch july 25th –week 30-2016 Wow July is nearly over, things should start to cool down now, and believe it or not this frigging weed that is causing all the bother is actually beginning to die back, well I would like to think it is, it has flowered and it has seeded, sadly that is
Monthly Archives: July 2016
Goldenloch july 17th –week 29-2016 Goldenloch July 17th –Week 29-2016 To day its all about loads of weeds, and a lot of effort by Aaron Scot and Greg Watson, both from Leslie, interestingly the weed after it has flowered which seems to have happened, is starting to fall over, pretty much I guess due to
Goldenloch july 10th –week 28-2016 Goldenloch July 10th –Week 28-2016 So this weekend has seen a wet few days, we have had a lot of rain, however loads of fish are getting caught and I mean a lot, some guys have just had the time of there lives, plus I would say that generally the
Goldenloch july 04th –week 27-2016 Goldenloch July 04th –Week 27-2016 It with great sorrow that we found out this morning that Tam Chalmers, Fort Springs Fishery has passed away, one of life’s more colourful characters, our thoughts are with his family and friends, I am sure that the fishers in Kennoway and surrounds will all