Algal bloom and fife council
Aug-27th –Week 31-2015
Its strange how things happen, we have had an Algae in the loch and some 6 or 7 weeks ago it was probably at its worst, now in their infinite wisdom Fife Council have come out and taken water samples last week and this week and the result is the killing of fish for consumption is cancelled so as of 27th August until further notice the fishing is Catch and Release only with a big stocking of fish due sometime tomorrow unless at this late stage I can cancel which I doubt, however the blue green algal bloom which is the cause to me seems to be a lot less than it was some weeks ago, anyways as from today the fishing is Catch and Release, prices will remain the same as it has always been the option Catch and Release or Kill.
To Book for Fishing, Call John on 01337840355 or 07968006367. or email or visit or our fb goldenlochfishing