Goldenloch july-17th–week 25-2015
July-17th–Week 25-2015
Yesterday, Thursday actually started quite poorly with not a lot of fish moving about, the Algae which moves about in a sort of cloud was pretty evenly dispersed over the whole loch and by 3 in the afternoon things didn’t seem to change much, however a wind / breeze kicked up and all of a sudden fish were being caught, now I don’t know why but we ended up last night which is quite unusual with about 15 anglers on the water, but what was even more amazing was that the average catch per angler was well over 10 each and that included the 2 gents that were only using dry flies, Today Friday we have had our first heavy rain for weeks the water looks good the Algae seems to be well down this morning and a nice steady breeze
To Book for Fishing, Call John on 01337840355 or 07968006367. or email or visit or our fb goldenlochfishing