Goldenloch aug -25-, week 32, 2014 What a great week its been, the fishing has been remarkable and with everyone getting good catches, Oops, just reading the book and I see someone blanked, but the best thing this week has to be the staff at Ninewells hospital who have repaired my badly failing eyesight to
Monthly Archives: August 2014
Goldenloch aug -18-, week 31, 2014 The week of storms, started last Sunday with the hurricane left over’s which turned out for us to be just a lot of rain, at least the water level is now up to the max, we currently are at our January levels, the water temperature is now down to
Goldenloch aug -11-, week 31, 2014 Last week I kind of predicted an early end to summer, it wasn’t that I wanted it, I just wanted some cooler weather, this for the water to cool down, and did it happen, two weeks ago the water temperature rose dramatically quick to nearly 19 degrees from a
Goldenloch aug -04-, week 30, 2014 Its now August and the recent hot spell, I would imagine wont be repeated again this year, basically the temperature rose 5 degrees in four days, without wind nor clouds and the fish went into some kind of heat shock, we were about to suspend Catch and Release when