Goldenloch june -24-, week 24, 2014
Many thanks from all at the Goldenloch, those that have commented and the support that you have given, is a big encouragement to us regarding the recent theft, we had Waid Academy here yesterday, and managed to equip all with fishing gear, it is a great bonus when these youngster can try out fly fishing as a sport / hobby I know from experience and seeing on face book some of our ex school kids are now accomplished fishers in Fife, so it is working, we had a Scout group recently of 9 and they did very well, with 11 fish, which all ended up cooked in the barbeque, a very good night was had by all and we are looking forward to a few camping sessions booked by groups and individuals, A big thank you to Cameron Bowie for all his help lately, as he is about to leave on a trip to Thailand, to do 6 weeks voluntary work building schools etc we wish him well, do enjoy the trip I am so jealous, just remember to come back, he was fishing on Sunday and caught 9 his technique has improved so much recently, anglers are having great catches just now and even although this has been an extremely difficult season due mostly to the atmospheric conditions I believe that the good guys are now getting it right, its been a fantastic year for fishing on the surface with small bushy type flies, the fish are cruising at about a foot deep and when they sight the fly they just go for it and some amazing snatches and takes have been had, the fish are also putting up a really good fight just now and are in great condition, on a slightly down note an angler caught and killed one of out carp? Why? I have no idea he said he is going to be feeding it to his dog; he had caught and released 5 rainbows’ but killed the carp as it was about 3.5 lbs not bad when they were just a 1lb or so when they were put in, they are definitely working and the weed we have now is duckweed which blows away all or rather most of the grass weed is under control, The Captain was here yesterday and I believe he caught a few I will be coming down to Dysart Harbour soon and expect to be piped aboard and served with some nice grub before a trip out to see the sea, and do a spot of sea fishing, hoping to see all here soon John
To Book for Fishing, Call John on 01337840355 or 07968006367. or email or visit or our fb goldenlochfishing