Goldenloch june -16-, week 23, 2014
Its much better weather now for everyone coming fishing, but heavy showers and cold mornings still limit some peoples ability to catch fish, also it is now very apparent that some lads arriving cannot really fish that well, stripping lures is fine in the winter when the water is cold and the fish need to be enticed, however it can fail miserably when the fish are fully fed on natural food and are only interested in a particular food source, we have had one or two lads blank this week because of that and whilst they were fishing another two caught 17, and another 9, George Duff had 8 C/R using a shipman’s buzzer, W Pryde had 6 on his couple of hours last night using a dry hares ear, Mr Dickie Ladybank had 4 for 8lbs on dry flies, we don’t really do club fishing much only a select few and the Fife Legacy (Police) had what could only be described as a stonker of an evening with everyone catching and returning fish, so why is it fishing so well now, the tadpole hatch which is bigger this year than ever before, is nearly finished and the fly hatches which this year have been slow to develop mostly due to the slightly lower morning and evening temperatures, are now really beginning to kick off, but there have been a few really heavy rain storms which adds a lot of new cold water to the loch and consequently again has the effect of slowing down the hatches early morning anglers arriving from 5 am onwards are usually met with masses of fish rising Tommy Holmes on holiday from Peterbourgh, arriving at 5am was greeted with a loch bubbling with fish, he then proceeded to catch 6 on home tied small black midgie loch ordies, every fish was feeding and every fish was a positive diver and took with fury, joining him at 8 was a couple of regulars only to be told that the rise was all over still they caught a few as there are fish feeding all day.
To Book for Fishing, Call John on 01337840355 or 07968006367. or email or visit or our fb goldenlochfishing