Goldenloch june -09-, week 22, 2014
At the Goldenloch this last week, we have had some pretty sound fishing, its mostly been dry flies which is excellent and hatches are pretty constant all day, but not a huge rise in the evening, the only real upset lately has been the wind, lots of fish are still being caught at the furthest away end of the loch, which is where the many billions of tadpoles are, never ever have there been so many the water is positively just moving with them, a lot of younger anglers have been here in the past few weeks and most have done well and only last night a complete beginner caught his first fish, with the wind gone today Monday fish can be seen rising all over the loch. A huge amount of rain has fallen in the last 48hr and although it hasn’t changed the water temperature it has lifted the water level by a couple of inches, best catches this last week Eddie Henderson, Perth 7 all returned, Jim Anderson, Lanark caught 4 one of which was one of our tagged fish and left with a cash reward a very happy man, Willie Pride, Gateside had a great day / evening with 6 returned and a few lost, so its been a productive week, conditions are good water clarity is clear and the weeds seem to be under control for the moment.
To Book for Fishing, Call John on 01337840355 or 07968006367. or email or visit or our fb goldenlochfishing