Goldenloch february 10, week 6, 2014
Its February, the weather these past few days has been good, “no ICE or snow”, today Monday, we have a solitary angler, its is quite pleasant down at the water, the fishing this past few weeks has been a bit slow, but with a new large load of due shortly things should pick up nicely, its been a long cold, wet, windy, winter, with very few good fishing days, but suddenly things are changing, for the first time in years the daffodils are coming out about the same time as the snowdrops, the small birds are fluttering about as if they are looking for flies, a few anglers have ventured out lately, but the catches have been small, mostly due to the wind and the cold, but also because of a side effect from last years really weedy water which produced a huge amount of fly life, those weeds are now dead and have fallen to the bottom of the loch, here they decompose and in turn feed the loch floor with nutrients and in turn that produces proteins and other enzymes into which the flies eggs hatch, the fish are feeding here, eating this food which is in the form of blood worms and small grubs or nasties, this is just the cycle of life, however a little known fact is that this cycle continues on all year, yes, its more active in the warmer weather, but the loch floor is always at a steady temperature, that’s why now we have for house heating, ground source and water source heat pumps, also the dissolved oxygen in the water due to all this wind and the lack of plants at this time of year makes the oxygen level go to its highest level, it is very high on the loch floor, so the fish are very happy living down at the bottom where there is plenty of grub, its warmer and tons of oxygen, so why would they come to the surface, it is one of the reasons why so many fisheries close for the winter, and that’s why anglers at this time of year go to highly stocked places, as they know that’s about the only place they are going to catch fish easily, the fish that’s being caught tend in the most cases to be newly stocked or fish that are on the prowl, soon the warmer weather will be here and the fish will very quickly feel the heat on their backs and that small rise in their body temperature is enough to make them active, last week we had one reasonably nice day with a warm sun and an angler catching 7 all between 12 and 2 when the sun was at its strongest, so spring is coming its just around the corner we just have to see if there are going to be any blibs in its way.
To Book for Fishing, Call John on 01337840355 or 07968006367. or email or visit or our fb goldenlochfishing