Goldenloch january 06, week 1 2014
A lot of water fell from the sky this last week, with our water level now at its highest for a good few years it makes one wonder, how or why we have such extremes in the weather, when you switch on the telly, nearly everyday there is something happening somewhere that is weather related, something that is very extreme and causing abnormal situations, whether it be flooding or wind or no power you can only feel for the people effected and say to yourself, thank goodness its not me, having just watched the news this morning and see that the USA has a temperature drop of 40 degrees to minus 30, my goodness if that happened here what would we do, we rely on the gulf stream to protect us and keep us warm, its always cold from the North that drops our temperature down, but if its happened out there so bad, surely it could happen here, so what do we or I need to do to protect my self, firstly antifreeze in the cars etc, must get some coal, ( I bought some weeks ago I just haven’t picked it up) got plenty wood, get dried milk powder, bread in the freezer, yep and its been a long time since we had a minus 10 plus temperature, what else goes wrong, it’s the electric, have we got torches and candles no good having rechargeable torches when they are all flat, when you live out here in the country it really pays to have a generator, we have one, but I need to make sure its all fuelled up, Down at the fishing all the weed fragments from last years weeds keep clogging up the outflow / overflow with the resulting rise in the already full loch, yesterday whilst cleaning this a rather large trout came up the outflow pipe to my surprise and disbelief managed to turn a swim back out, anyways it’s a daily job just now cleaning out the filters, the guys fishing on Saturday all caught fish, but did comment on the fact that the water was pretty cloudy due in most to the wind and heavy rains that we have had in the last week, the cormorants are back in force and for birds that are protected they seem pretty healthy and there are plenty of them, however I am managing to keep them from landing and taking fish.
To Book for Fishing, Call John on 01337840355 or 07968006367. or email or visit or our fb goldenlochfishing