Goldenloch october 28 week 41
A complete change at the Goldenloch, only two weeks ago our water level was at the lowest its ever been and now the water is back running out the overflow it seems that we have had just torrential rain for the last 10 days, its done wonders for the water freshening it up and the weeds have sunk down into the loch floor its been that wet there has not really been many anglers out but for those that have been the fishing has changed yet again the fish are no longer feeding high up but seem to be deep in the water its probably just all the new water that’s caused this and after a few days all will sort itself out, my son and daughter in law Laura will be in charge for a few days as Anne and I are going for a short break, so just write you details in the book, we stocked last week so there’s fish a plenty John
To Book for Fishing, Call John on 01337840355 or 07968006367. or email or visit or our fb goldenlochfishing