Goldenloch october 21 week 40
Its been quiet here, but its very pleasant, at the weekend we had a few anglers with some doing very well Don Stewart, Glasgow 7, John Grey, Auchtermuchty 4, Eddie Henderson, Perth 4, Allan Gibson, Bridge of Earn 4 in 20mins, Martin Nicol, Perth some days 7 or 8 others nil, depending on his techniques, husband and wife had a good day last week with 8 between them all on red Diawl Bachs, so its still good fishing the biggest single spoil is the weather, with the last week seeing a few really wet days not heavy rain but a light very damp type that just wets everything it has also been very cold some days with the temperature down as low as 8 and 9 degrees that’s the lowest since March, the mystery of the missing catches book still remains unsolved as it has not returned as it has done in years gone past so a new one has been put in its place, It is really annoying that this has happened, as we have records going back to 1985 of just exactly what has been put in and what has come out, it is interesting to look back on old records and statistics just to see exactly what the trends are and where things might be going, however no one could have predicted the downturn in angler numbers, we need all the fisheries to try and encourage new anglers to start fishing it is vital that we get young people out fishing and soon, without anglers the fishery numbers may start to decline, Statistics also pay a vital part in how the government decide how many cormorants a fishery is allowed to shoot, they work out this figure on the daily count submitted by each fishery for visiting cormorants on a daily basis and then using their own formula they award a number to a fishery on their application for how many they are allowed to shoot, I know that a few other fisheries read my blog so chaps please tell me if you submit your cormorant numbers, we had five today, yep that’s 5 on the 21st October and its not even cold yet, the tossers in charge think that cormorants’ are in decline yea right, but hey they just spent a couple of millions reintroducing Sea Eagles which by all accounts are now all dead, due to starvation and the fact that this country doesn’t have natural constant air thermals which are vital for them to remain in the upper atmosphere, yep its tossers in charge and with cormorant numbers in a massive decline due to the fact that for the previous few years we had hard frost (no one declaring their numbers)it must be that there is a shortage
To Book for Fishing, Call John on 01337840355 or 07968006367. or email or visit or our fb goldenlochfishing