Goldenloch july 01 week 24
Its been another quiet week here at the Goldenloch, the fishing has been a bit up and down this week, however with the weed problem well and truly behind us, the water is virtually clear, fish are moving in all areas but are a lot harder to catch, one theory put forward by an angler was that the tadpoles are just so much larger than they were a few weeks ago, and that it wouldn’t take many to fill a fishes stomach, however its more likely to be that the weather is just that little bit cooler, we have had three or four nights this week with a dramatic change in the temperature which I do believe has caused the fish to drop to the bottom, however a warmer night did allow James Ingleby, Hereford to have a superb nights fishing with 2 in the bag, and several returned all from the bank with no problems from weeds, nearly every fish had come up from underneath and taken his flies without warning some being very rapid every time it was a sharp solid tug on his line as the fish would then speed away with his fly, great sport and fantastic fish was his comment, Campers on Friday and a caravan on Saturday saw early morning fishing but definitely the most successful was the osprey, it only takes a few seconds to see, swoop and secure its fish while anglers see them but cant do anything more about it, the ospreys are feeding hard just now over the sand banks on the river Tay which is good news as far as I am concerned and is because the river is really low due to the lack of rain this year, seemingly they love flounders and sea trout, rainbow trout from the Goldenloch are obviously just a fill in on days when the tides are in, but when they do come there are a few five was the count yesterday, its not like they just take a fish its all the ones that they grab and then let go, why, is it that they aren’t hungry or is it that the fish are too big, or small I do wish they would stay away, speaking with some other fisheries it would seem they are very quiet as well and also noting that they are having some really hard days fishing as well, with another load of fish due this week lets hope that will see good catches over the next weekend.
To Book for Fishing, Call John on 01337840355 or 07968006367. or email or visit or our fb goldenlochfishing