Goldenloch february 11 / 2013 week 05
It seriously doesn’t pay to listen to the weather forecast on the telly for yesterday Sunday 10th Feb, all channels on Sat night said snow and wind coming from the west, well for a start winds from the west are always usually warm and they never carry snow however it transpires that what they were saying was wet warm winds from the west meeting a very cold front from the east over Scotland would produce snow, well we got the warm wind, it was a beautiful day, however the cold front was 8 hours late and didn’t arrive until 8pm, so what was the upshot, a group of 5 cancelled due to the appalling forecast, but Tim Grant fishing with his dad had a great day with 11 between them, all returned, using slow sinking lines and bloodworms, this information was taken from the previous days entry in the book when Don Stewart Glasgow had 5 all returned, and another who had 3, it has however been a slow week with a fair amount of rain and wind, the fish are moving but only occasionally, yesterday Sunday saw a fair degree of warming in the loch with a warm air and intermittent sun, the result was by early afternoon the fish were rising or rather breaking the surface nearer the sides, Tim did say that he had thought about trying a dry fly but it meant changing everything lines etc and as he was enjoying his father catching fish, his first time fishing since 1992 when he had suffered a stoke it wasn’t worth losing the moments so they were happy the way they were, interesting was that the rods they were using were a pair of matching hardy’s that came in a beautiful large box including reels and had been presented to his dad as a gift on his retirement, this was the first time that they were both being used at the same time, Both were happy and left with a smile as the day was a success.
To Book for Fishing,
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