Goldenloch december 03 / 2012 week 49
Didn’t expect this, the last week has been a complete write off, how did it go so wrong, three, four weeks ago when we were having all the wind and rain the long term forecast forward was a mild December, with good sunny spells, EH not quite what’s outside today with an inch of ice on the loch and an inch of snow lying on the ground, we put in a load of really nice big fish on Wednesday 14th November and since then there has hardly been a decent day to fish with high winds, rain, cold, ice, and now snow, its not worth all the hassle of applying for a licence to shoot the cormorants, the forms are a nightmare to fill in and to be honest, it would make an honest person cry, every one on the planet it seems wants to save them, In Scotland the licence is granted by Scottish National Heritage who have the power to make decisions about everything that has feathers, and it would seem that they would consider them as some kind of house hold pet, worth reading or glancing at is this document,, in the past we have done our cormorant bird counts, involving keeping records but it all goes wrong when the loch gets frozen and obviously these birds which have not got ice breaker bills and can not break into the loch go elsewhere on iced over days, but the powers at be use these days and suggest that the cormorant count is low as they went somewhere else, in 2010 and 2011 both winters had a lot of iced over days so when we went to apply for a licence to kill cormorants we were declined as we did not have enough birds visiting however on days with no ice we could easily have up to a dozen or more visiting, I carry my rifle with me most days from 6.30 till 8 am and fire to scare, they are very easily frightened and tend to stay away after being moved on but it doesn’t solve the problem that there are far to many cormorants.
To Book for Fishing, Call John on 01337840355 or 07968006367. or email or visit or our fb goldenlochfishing