Goldenloch july 11 / 2012 week 28
>>>>>>>>>Yes<<<<<<<<< at long last the event we have been waiting for, This morning we woke up to a loch full of clear water, there are a few dead fish lying on the surface which means that the algae had at some time during the night crashed, having experienced this once before I was amazed this time at how few fish were dead about 60 and that we have a lot of fish were swimming about recovering from this natural shock event. Basically what happens is that the algae having used up all the nutrients in the loch decide to die and all at once just gives up, this has the knock on effect of using up or rather locking up the O2 from the water, the water also has a few toxins in it they are the dead algae cells and used Nitrogen and Phosphates it will take a couple of days for these to clear but once its done and flushed out they will be gone, at least that’s one good thing about all the rain that’s falling, well actually we haven’t been that bad here compared to some other parts of the country, so I am looking forward to what they say is coming this afternoon and evening, So what happens now well a big restock next Monday is already organised and I can stop cancelling bookings, stop feeling depressed about the loch and lets hope for normal fishing. To Book for Fishing, Call John on 01337840355 or 07968006367. or email or visit or our fb goldenlochfishing