Goldenloch march 12 / 2012 week 11
This last week at the Goldenloch has been a lot warmer, however the water is still very cold, about 6 > 8 degrees, the same as in mid January, it takes all day for the sun to warm the water enough to start the convection current that brings the food, insects, etc up from the bottom, thankfully it now looks like the wind that has been blowing since January has finally ceased and we are awakening to a nice peaceful calm days, this morning Monday, 12 March it is gorgeous and sunny, however we had very low temperatures’ last night with a small touch of frost at 6am, the Cormorants seemed to have moved on, the fishing over the weekend could best be described as slow to start but definitely much better for those that stayed late, with some lads catching into double figures, 3 of the tagged fish have now been caught with 2 left to catch, interestingly yesterday one lad said that he caught a fish that was well into double figures, but he lost it as his line snapped, he did say that it was a pretty big fish, we have this last week had an advert running with Groupon, for those that are unfamiliar with Groupon, it is an internet based advertising platform, which promotes businesses that can offer discounted services, this is in order to drum up more business, we at the Goldenloch for many years have tried various ideas to attract people to the sport, we have offered basic tuition and help for first time fishers, with a fair degree of success, we also offer to Fife schools our facilities for free with tuition, and this has over the last few years been very well attended, with five schools regularly coming with up to 12 students, it made a lot of sense therefore to take this a stage further and offer a one hour basic help package to get a person up to the waters edge and then they can fish for a further 3 hours, the results so far have been very positive with a big uptake in potential new anglers, and with our first weeks success we reckon we have started six new anglers to the sport, with three of those having caught their first fish, not bad I would say and well done to the anglers that gave the tuition, it is important for the sport and our future to encourage people to fish, anglers are always willing to help and share ideas but we need to get more people fishing, if everyone brought one newbie to the sport how much better would it be for all.
To Book for Fishing, Call John on 01337840355 or 07968006367. or email or visit