Goldenloch february 13 / 2012 week 7
Monday morning and we wake up to a beautiful bright warm morning, with most of the ice melted, only a small area at the far end still to go, Cormorants’ are having a field day, with 7 here this morning, I didn’t get on to them till 7.30 as I hadn’t realised that the ice had melted so quickly, this last week the loch was mostly frozen over but just fishable on one small area for most of the week, only a few hardies venturing out, fish were moving on days when the sun manages to shine for an hour or two and it brought them to the surface, on Friday mid day Grant Anderson, Arbroath caught and lost three using a bright small lure, it wasn’t till afterwards he realised the hook had straightened and he reckoned that was why he lost them. Two American friends staying for the weekend, on looking out the window and seeing two lads fishing could not believe that they could fish at this time of year, coming from New York State, their surrounding countryside is just littered with small lakes and fisheries, but at this time of year they are completely frozen over and have been since November, remaining frozen till the end of March, they fish for rainbows and the average size is about a 1.5 lbs, but can be up to 5lbs on rare occasions, most if not all fishing is from the bank or wading, with boat fishing i.e. hiring a boat being very expensive, you have to hire a motor and lifejacket as well, typical prices are $25 for 6 hours bank, everything goes back unless its bleeding, on private waters its $50 with a boat $75 for a half day, compared to us its about double what anglers pay here fish out there new fish are introduced but are small and must be returned, what they did say was that they have to put up with is leisure crafts and people mucking about on the water, every time you want to go fishing its about trying to find somewhere private and without boats the States may be big with plenty of lakes but there are a lot of people trying to get on them and its every day.
To Book for Fishing, Call John on 01337840355 or 07968006367. or email or visit