Goldenloch june -13-11
Its been another good week with nearly everyone getting full bags, plus more, there has been a few exceptionally good nights, with a big rise of fish, last night however, Sunday saw a big temperature drop, with quite heavy rain, which spoiled things a bit, but everyone more or less catching some, and putting back a few, generally this past week the fishing has been very good, with fish moving in all areas, all day, the bank anglers were getting really good catches, and the top bay, certainly saw some really nice fish moving in it, as Michael Doherty, Kirkcaldy, age 13 proved on Saturday by catching probably the nicest Brown trout I have ever seen at 4lbs 12 oz, it was a fantastic colour with perfectly formed fins and tail, that was showing a good 5mm of new growth, his dad and Granddad also did well catching a few, the weed that was a problem has now more or less all collapsed and does not seem to be in the way. Alec Burns Kirkcaldy found the fishing a bit harder this week and dropped his average from the teens to under 9 but did manage to catch a 25lb anchor, well done Alec; George Duff another regular Buckhaven had 3 Catch and Release and dropped many as they are coming short of the fly, this week has probably seen more fish caught on dry flies than we have seen for a few years, the buzzer hatch all over is good but is exceptional around the weeds Bats, swallows swifts and sand martins in there hundreds are sweeping the loch most of the day and fish are feeding equally as hard, but its not easy pickings for the anglers as the right fly has to be found so far hares ears and grey/brown sedge seem to be the best but the book reads loads of Buzzers and the occasional damsel.
To Book for Fishing Call John on 01337840355 or 07968006367. or email or visit