Goldenloch may -09-11
Fishing at the Goldenloch has stepped up a gear during the last week, anglers have enjoyed some pretty good fishing, however for the last few weeks anglers have been catching fish in one area of the loch and because of the changing cold east wind the fish have been reluctant to move from that particular area, the much warmer weather of the last few days has seen a big change in their movements and the fish are pretty well spread all over, some anglers have done exceptionally well at the furthest end of the loch next to the tall reeds, but undoubtedly the best anglers this week has to have been the three Ospreys that are coming daily for their breakfast, lunch and tea, so far in the last week alone, I would estimate that they have either killed maimed or removed at least 30 fish and that’s only the start of them coming this year, I would advise any anglers visiting that are going to be in a boat to bring a good camera, as I am sure a short video of them trying to remove a large fish would sell well, three times so far this year we have witnessed one of these birds being pulled under by fish, and fighting with it then watched as they cannot take off from the water and it then abandons its catch, yep and every time no one has a camera, twice I had left mine in the forklift and someone else was using it, the heavy rain over the weekend was welcomed and has gone a lone way to clearing the water, the fishing generally has been pretty good with some really nice catches and some really fit brownies are getting caught, this coming Saturday the loch will still be open for fishing, however it is my daughters birthday and we are using the field and facilities at the loch side so a fair bit of noise should be expected, do not expect a quiet tranquil days fishing.
To Book for Fishing Call John on 01337840355 or 07968006367. or email or visit